Thursday, April 26, 2012

Update (April 25/26, 2012) - writing

   One reason that I haven't been as diligent in blogging is because I've really been considering if I should change the way in which I blog. Currently, I log onto, and write off the top of my head on whatever topic is on my mind in that moment. I may have an idea of what I want to write, but the writing itself is  spontaneous.

   However, some "discourse" that occurred on Facebook several weeks ago has made me take pause and consider my approach to writing.
   So, I was on Facebook and saw a  video where recording artist Lecrae was "teaching" on the subject of tattoos. I commented on my Facebook page that I thought the video was a hot mess (among other things, he took scriptures out of context and he used inaccurate illustrations). Well, some of the Christians automatically took my comment as being legalistic, biblically erroneous, and proceeded to get "fly" on my Facebook page (and one person even made a Youtube video about me).
   Now, I'll keep it real and  say that, honestly, I wasn't totally prepared to biblically defend my comment like I know I could. Well, it wasn't so much the "hot mess" comment that I had to defend, but why I teach against tattoos. I've done research on the topic of tattooing (or marking, which is the term used in the Holy Bible), but didn't have my source material on  hand; the saints weren't willing  to receive what I had  to say on faith (and I can't get too mad at that, considering all  the false doctrine going forth these days). Then, it seemed as though some folks still wanted to feel  some kind of way even after I brought forth scripture and other sources on the matter.
    That situation on Facebook did make me think though. I was wondering if I should stop writing off the top of my head and be intentional in what I write. On one hand, I want to be free to write whatever is on my mind (whether on a blog, on Twitter, or on Facebook). On the other hand, I'm a minister of the gospel, an ambassador of Christ; I always have to represent the faith first. Some people may try to misconstrue MY random thoughts and opinions into a judgement against Christianity or even against God, which I most definitely don't want to happen.

   I'm praying on this, and I'll see how  God  leads me.  Until then... .


Update (April 25/26, 2012) - Driving


   That's been me! Busy. Work, church, cleaning, driving, and writing have been wearing  a brotha out!!!

   Yes - I did say driving! God opened the door for me to get a vehicle - a red  Nissan Versa. I love "Candy" (her name - I also call  her  "Ta-dow" and "see me red" as well) - she's comfortable, good on gas, and easy to maneuver.
   I've definitely been getting it in with the driving. I've driven all over Cincinnati (I think Pleasant Ridge and  Kennedy Heights are the only city neighborhoods I haven't hit, and a couple of the eastern suburbs). I drove to Oxford (and was SALTY I didn't have time to grab some SDS or a toasted roll). I drove to Batesville, IN for some Doritos (that one of my deacons told me that I could've purchased at Sam's Club; I got to get a Sam's card).
   The main thing about driving is that I feel so LIBERATED!!! I truly feel that I can come and go freely! I don't feel limited by the time and route of the Metro! I was able to hop in my car and drive to Indiana - I wasn't able to do that before. I was able to go through the drive-thru at Rally's - normally, I would've had to catch two buses and get there before the walk-up window closed. I was able to go to the laundromat and wash all my clothes at the same time, instead of using the laundry room downstairs (there's only three washers and dryers, and usually, only one dryer works because some crackhead always tries to break into the other one that works).
   The enemy fought me for a long time in this area. I seriously spent many nights feeling that I would  never drive, and that no one could understand my plight. I would find someone to take me out for lessons, and then things would come up in their lives that hindered them from taking me to practice driving. I would save money for driving school, then something would come up where I had to re-appropriate those  funds. I would get pissed at people around me who were quick to criticize the fact that I couldn't drive, but offered no solutions or help.
   Even in getting my drivers' license, as  well as my vehicle, the enemy was fighting. People tried to tell me that my brother and I wouldn't get the rental car so that I do some more practicing and take my driving exam. I  had  nightmares the entire week before I took my test. The enemy tried to divide me and my brother. I had to rebuke irritability and heaviness that week.
   With getting the car, it really stretched my faith. I said that I was gonna step out on faith and go get a car. I hopped on the bus and on the Internet and looked for a car. I had limited funds, but God did exceeding abundantly above what I could ask or think.
   I remember the day I got my car (after all, it was only a couple of weeks ago). I had talked with the gentleman at the dealership. I told him that I would come over after work. After work, I caught the bus to Downtown Cincinnati to handle some kingdom business. Then, I rode the 23X out to Tri-County. I remember that I was thanking God that the bus ride to the dealership would be my last bus ride. And, God honored my faith. I drove off that lot with Candy, and went to church to pray, praise God, and  rejoice in  his provision for me.
   Then, God really encouraged me with a prophetic word that Bishop Booker spoke on Friday. He basically let me know that now that I've overcome in this area, that things will be different now in this area. He let me know that I wouldn't have to go through in this area anymore.
   Even as I write this blog, I'm feeling emotional. When I drove away in my car, it was as though a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I would no longer have to fight against words that were spoken over me, people trying to make me feel stupid  because I  went to Walnut Hills [High School],  but didn't have a license, or that I went to college, but didn't drive, or that I was a preacher, but had to ride the bus or the church van to church. It may sound silly to many, but I feel liberated, mature, and joyous now. I feel that I'm moving forward like never before.