It's kinda one of those days where I wish I could just crawl under my covers and pass out until the stresses go away. Or one of those days where I wish I had a plane ticket away from here. But alas, I'm still here.
I hate stress. I hate having situations where I have to lean on other people. I wish God would just give me what I need to handle all my business.
I'm having one of those moments where I feel like I'm getting nothing done. I wish I were a quitter, so that I could just be done with it all. But, God didn't give me a quitting spirit. So, I'll just ride out the stresses. I'll have to endure the adrenaline spikes, the feelings, the temptations, and ride on out to my ending.
And, I have to know that he's heard my prayers. The prayers of the righteous availeth much, according to Scripture. So, I need to really just chill out and continue to live my life, instead of hiding out in my bedroom with the lights off and my phone off.
I'm gonna pray.
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