Ok... so I haven't really written any blogs this year. Well, I did write the one about the wilderness, but I haven't been writing like I've wanted to. For one, I had disconnected my Internet service for a month. For the year 2010 up to the point, I was limited to being on the Internet during thrice-weekly trips to the Library, and the majority of that time was spent on e-mail correspondence and ministry work. (Note: I'm up and running with the home Internet again, so it's all to the good).
But the main thing that I've been up to so far in 2010 would be the 33-day fast that I did from January 3 - February 5; yes - 33 days. I did a total fast, i.e. I only drank bottled water for 33 days - no food, no broth, no vitamins, just water. I couldn't believe it either once I got past the 10th day of the thing. Actually, I believe that God wanted me to do a forty-day fast (kinda like Jesus in the wilderness), but I got sick and cut the fast off with a week to go.
Really, I don't like to talk about fasting. I try to adhere to Matthew 6:16-18 and not openly talk about fasting, at least while I'm fasting. So, I've been pretty mum about it, both on my blog, and even with the people in my life.
The fast was an experience though. God really did do some changes in me in body/soul/spirit. The three biggest changes would be that my appetite changed (I have great difficulty in eating sweets now), I have more physical and mental endurance, and I feel more spiritually sensitive. I could elaborate on each of these three things (as well as some other experiences and revelations I had during my 33-day fast), but I'll perhaps share those things at another time.
The fast was also a time of great spiritual warfare. Of course, the first week of the fast was dealing with the temptation to eat. I mean, everything sounded good (even crackers)! Then, I started getting sick - colds, sore throats, dizziness, and finally, stomach problems (I was vomiting bile and stomach acid).
Also, I was attacked in my finances. As I was temporarily laid off from work, I had to draw unemployment for a few months; however, I didn't receive any unemployment in 2010, due to "system errors" (but I know that it was the devil).
But through it all, God worked with me and on me a great deal. I'm eating healthier, my discipline is a little better, I have more energy, I lost 40 pounds, He showed me revelations in the Bible, and my faith has increased considerably. Yes, fast is good (but not as good as the God that led me to fast in the first place).
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