Saturday, April 24, 2010

Love... (part I)

So, I woke up at 4:20am (EDT) to urinate, and I decided to just do a quick blog on everyone's subject, and one that's been on my mind lately.

I've had some solo thought sessions on various aspects of love over the past 6-7 months - what it is, the different types, and so forth. The main conclusion that I've come to is that 99% of people don't even know what love is.

For one, there's different types of love - the highest love (agape), brotherly love (philio), romance/passion (eros), and affection (storge) (I'm using the greek words for love). And, understanding the opposites of love is very significant in understanding what love is (love vs. hate/indifference/selfishness). But, most of us get our understanding of love from R&B and ballads, romantic comedies, and harlequin novels :(

Well, I'm going back to bed (gotta go to the gym in a few hours - I'll blog about that at a later time, and church biz as well). I will be blogging in more detail on this love matter over the next few weeks, and I'll try to be more organized as I blog on it instead of writing off the dome like I usually do.

Much Love.

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