Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Eddie Long

I know that the news with Eddie Long broke two weeks ago, but I decided to post a note that I did on Facebook onto this blog. So, here it goes...

So... I decided to do a Facebook note sharing my thoughts about Bishop Eddie Long and the situation with him. I was just gonna post a blog on my blogspot, but since I was on Facebook decided to do a note (I might copy this note and put it on my blog and add some video clips though).

Anyway, what do I think about the allegations? I think the body of Christ need to pray for Bishop Long, his family, his congregation, the churches/ministries he oversees as bishop, and the accusers. I have an opinion about whether the accusations are true or not, but I don't feel it's important. When the news broke, I was saddened in just thinking about all the souls that would be hurt by these events. I was upset that, as 2 Samuel 12:14 says, this situation gives those enemies of God occasion to blaspheme. But mainly, I was concerned and in prayer for the souls. There's 25,000 members in his church that are affected by this. There are thousands upon thousands that watch his shows on Christian television, that give offerings to his ministry, and who buy his books/CDs/DVDs. I pray for healing and restoration for the saints involved, and that everyone involved enters into a deeper relationship with God.

However, I'm a little attitudinal with the church. Even though I have compassion for Bishop Long and all affected by these accusations, I am not a follower nor a supporter of his ministry. It has nothing to do with the accusations, but rather some of his actions and his false teachings that I've heard. I've heard Bishop Long say that God took a uterus out of Adam when he created woman. According to Genesis 2:21-22, God took a RIB out of Adam's side, and formed woman - NOT A UTERUS. That's not Bible! Where did this man get that from?

And, like most prosperity preachers, I have yet to hear Long preach a balanced message in regards to prosperity. Yes, God can and will prosper His people in all areas (spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, etc.); however, God WILL NOT prosper anyone living in sin. I've never heard a message from Bishop Long dealing with holiness, sin, or righteousness. Perhaps someone who happens to read this note will be able to direct me to one of his messages where he deals with one of the aforementioned subjects.

Also, you're a Bishop, but you're on R&B and Hip-Hop albums, which I believe is deceptive; why would you lend your credibility to artists that are not glorifying God in their music. That Ludacris album that he appeared on wasn't glorifying God, and many justified buying the Ludacris album by saying, "Well, it must be okay because Bishop Long's on it."NOOOOOOOO!!!

And, why would you let rapper T.I. preach in your church? T.I. is not a preacher. T.I., at least in his public persona, isn't glorifying God in his music and in his lifestyle (I mean, how many times has T.I. been arrested since 2000?) So, why would you allow him up before the people, on EASTER SUNDAY??!!! Why would you allow him before the youth?

Also, one could question some of the excesses in his life, materially speaking. I'm not against people being prosperous, and having nice things (the Bible says that those who live of the gospel should eat of the gospel, and that the elder who rules well is worthy of double honor), but I couldn't see having millions of dollars in cars and a private jet when there's people in my congregation that have to ride the bus. I'm just saying...

I've think I'm shown that I'm not a Bishop Eddie Long fan. But the issue I'm having with the church about this whole thing is that it took some accusations about homosexual coercion to get the body at large to wake up, pay attention, pray, and/or ask some questions. Are Christians so spiritually shallow that it takes scandal to check out whether someone whose preaching/teaching a word is "right"? Are Christians so loyal to leaders that we choose to be blind to actions and teaching that aren't in agreement with Scripture? To a degree, these accusations are an indictment on the body of Christ, because they show where we are in relationship with God, and that we'd rather hear "sweet things" and "play church", then be real with God, ourselves, and each other.

In short, not only do Bishop Long, the accusers, and the New Birth family need prayer, but the body of Christ needs prayer for being so clueless. Amen.


I wrote the above on September 24, 2010. Since then, there's been rumors of more young men coming forth, Bishop Long "addressing" his congregation (and looking a hot mess in a lace front wig), and people urging everyone to either pray for the "man-d of Gawd" or calling for him to step down.

I've held back my personal opinion because I felt that the body of Christ needed to examine some other things regarding Bishop Long (particularly dealing with some of his questionable/false teaching). If the church would do as the Bible admonishes (Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth - II Timothy 2:15), then this situation wouldn't have even happened because Bishop Long wouldn't even have been pastoring that flock to even bein a position where that situation occured.

And for the record, yes, he did it. I've been hearing about this sort of thing for several years from reliable people. And, about 60 seconds before I learned of this news, I heard God tell me that "Judgement will begin with the church". Actually, I heard God tell me that, and was going to post it on my twitter and facebook accounts. I got on Twitter to post it, and I saw the link from CNN news that Eddie Long had been accused of sexual coercion.
God is tired of the foolishness. Clearly, there is NO accountability among these superstar preachers and so-called Bishops. Even if these were false allegations, Long would be wrong because he didn't have anyone around him to witness to his integrity. I think of all the Scriptures in the Bible where Jesus sent the disciples out in twos, or how Apostle Paul always had a team with him when he was ministering. And, where was Long's wife when all these things were going on? She came out on stage on that Sunday morning after the allegations broke, but she should've been with him on these overnight trips!
And, for all those people who still think that these allegations are an attack from the enemy and that Bishop Long is blameless - receive the truth so that you can be free! There is more than enough erroneous teaching and behavior from Eddie Long apart from the allegations to let the church know that he is not a Truth teacher, but a wolf in sheep's clothing. If anything, folks need to be praying that Eddie Long would forsake the world and start walking in Truth!
What's really sad, though, is that a number of these superstar preachers are about to fall. The church is so enamored with glitter and glitz and ear candy that they can't or don't want to know the real from the fake. It's sad that the unsaved/carnal has more insight on what's really goin' on than the body of Christ, especially those who claim to be filled with the Holy Ghost and operating in spiritual gifts!

Ok, I'm done with this topic. I'll continue to pray for the Body of Christ, for the young men who've brought about the allegations, the New Birth Church Family, Eddie Long's wife, Eddie Long's children. I'll also pray for the superstar preachers and Bishops (including Eddie Long); that they'll get saved for real and stop leading people to hell. Amen.

(I also wanted to link an awesome blog that G. Craige Lewis did on this subject - enjoy )

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