Saturday, March 12, 2011



I haven't written a blog in almost two months - my bad! But, I've been busy with school (long story), work (3rd shift... for now), and training & preparation for the next level of ministry - Assistant Pastor.

  For the past 1 1/2 months, me and the deacons of our church were diligent in learning various facets of ministry and Christianity (salvation, communion, water baptism, Holy Spirit baptism, and so forth). Much of the training was a refresher for me, as I had served as a deacon for 2 1/2 years prior to starting ministry in January 2009, but it was much needed for me.
  The deacons will soon be ordained, but I got ordained (and licensed, and appointed) on March 6, 2011 - the first Sunday of Anointed Word Fellowship's 8-year anniversary. It was an awesome and anointed event. I first received licenses for Deacon and for Minister (I had never received licenses for these offices - I kept getting "bumped up" before my ordinations). I also shared my salvation testimony, as well as my "call to ministry" testimony. Then, ordination as elder and assistant pastor. I was anointed with oil by Bishop and Co-Pastor Booker, and I felt the presence of God all over me.
   I was also, to my surprise, named the "successor" of AWF if something happens to where Bishop and Co-Pastor are no longer able to serve.

   I could say much more, but there's a few more things to work on. I'll holla later.