Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Last week's thoughts (Part II) - Brian Kelly, Cincinnati, and legacy

OK, so at the beginning of the last blog that I wrote, like, five minutes ago, I mentioned that there were three topics that caught my attention. I talked about Jay-Z and Nas & Kelis in the last one, but decided to do a separate blog regarding my thoughts surrounding Brian Kelly. Here it is....

So, for those who don't know, Brian Kelly is the new football coach of the University of Notre Dame. He was the football coach of the University of Cincinnati until about a week ago (yep, a week ago exactly). After Notre Dame fired whomever (not a Notre Dame fan - sorry), they talked to Kelly, who couldn't pack his bags fast enough to get out of Cincinnati.

At first, I was salty - I ain't gonna lie to kick it. UC has had an awesome season this year, and this mess with Kelly definitely has been a stain on an otherwise excellent year of football for the hometown team (12-0 record, Big East Champions, #4 in the polls, Sugar Bowl bid to play against Florida). Most people (including me) around here expected it; unfortunately, Cincinnati has been a pit stop on the road to "greener pastures" for many.

Personally, I thought that it would've been better for Kelly to stay and build a legacy for himself. I think of the legendary teams in college sports (and even professional sports) - the one thing that made them legendary was the charismatic (and highly talented) coaches and/or players that played. I think of Kentucky basketball and think of Rupp. I think of UCLA basketball and think of Wooden. I think of the Boston Celtics and think of Russell. And one can do the same thing for Michigan football, UC basketball, Notre Dame football, and other sports teams.

But, Kelly is doing like many/most do and traveling a blazed trail rather than being a trailblazer.... Now that I've had a week, I can't be too mad at him - he'll now get even more exposure, attention, and even more $$$. I just wish all of this could've been postponed after the Sugar Bowl though. Oh well - when opportunity knocks, huh?

But, thinking about the whole Brian Kelly situation made me really think about Cincinnati and legacy. There's a lot of things that really IRK me about Cincinnati, but I'm from here, and I got much love for Cincinnati. Cincinnati, despite all the issues (close-minded, conservative, backwards in some ways, cliquish, et cetera), is a unique place to live. We have unique foods (Grippos, LaRosa's, Gold Star, Skyline, and so on), unique neighborhoods (OTR, Mt. Adams, and so on); we have all these hills (most cities I've visited, have been pretty flat), wonderful river views, and lots of charm and character. Plus, the cost of living is very reasonable, the educational institutions here are great (especially post-secondary), and we have pro sports (how many cities can claim two or more pro sports teams?)

Yes - Cincinnati is a unique place, but it's sad that most people who live here for any length of time can't see what I see. I've seen so many people who are unable to see past the issues and end up either leaving for "greener pastures" or stay here to live a pissed off existence. We have leaders who stay to either be the big fish in the small pond, or to make a name for themselves for when they leave for "greener pastures" (like Brian Kelly).

Most of those special people that could really make a major impact on the quality of Cincinnati living choose "greener pastures". Many see Atlanta, Charlotte, Portland, Columbus (OH), and other locales to be better places to set up and build their legacies rather than stay here in Cincinnati and try to build something worthwhile. I understand - it's purely by divine intervention that I didn't pick up and move at different times. I wondered at times if my employment opportunities, quality of life, and spiritual growth wouldn't flourish in another city south or west of Cincinnati.

However, I'm now willing to stay and try to build something for myself here. Perhaps God will use me to enhance the spiritual environment here. Maybe I can motivate and encourage others through ministry. Maybe I'll finish a book, make lots of $$$, and be able to work towards reducing homelessness, blight, crime, and hopelessness through the Word and through providing [financial] resources. Maybe God can and will use me to change Cincinnati's mentality so that we'll collectively have some self-esteem. Maybe one day, after I'm gone, part of my legacy can be that I've played a part in Cincinnati being seen as "greener pastures".

All this thought now has me thinking about my life - what I'm doing, what I'm trying to do, my dreams. Maybe I'll blog about it next week, maybe not - ha ha!


Last week's thoughts (Part I) - Jay-Z; Nas & Kelis

I was gonna do a blog about Brian Kelly, Jay-Z, and Kelis last week, but I procrastinated (I really wanted more time to calm down, but being "hot" probably would've made for a more highly-charged blog session).

So, why those three? Well, lemme start with Jay-Z. I haven't been down with Jay-Z since the Blueprint album (Remember "God MC, me, Jay-hova"? NO!!!). Throughout the years, he's made all kinds of blasphemous statements, and he's still at it with this song called "Empire State of Mind" (featuring Alicia Keys). He has a line in it that says "Jesus can't save you, life begins when the church ends". I saw a Youtube video heading talking about this and checked it out the song - blasphemy! I know, I know - I've heard people say "well, that first part [of the quote] fits in the context that he was talking about..." "he was talking about young girls getting turned out by the big city...". Yeah, yeah. Even if I give the Jay-Z fans that one, what about " begins when the church ends"? Plus, Jay-Z has a track record of making statements like this ("God MC, me, Jay-hova" - remember?)

Actually, I was only hot about what Jay-Z said for abut two minutes. What really peeved me were all these Christians on Youtube and the Christian message boards defending Jay-Z - what!!??? Ok, I ain't gonna get deep with that. I just don't understand defending someone who says things like "when I perish, the meek shall inherit the earth", "Hova, the god" "Return of the god" and other outlandish things. Why would you spend more time defending Jay-Z than Jesus Christ? I just don't get it... SMH.

Then, there's Kelis, who got $51K a month from Nas for child and spousal support. $51K a month!!! WHAT!!! Ok, first, allow me to say that fathers/sperm donors/ should provide for their child financially. And, oftentimes, that financial support can/will also benefit the mother (for example, if that financial support is being used to provide rent/mortgage payments, reliable transportation, daycare, et cetera). But, $51,000 a month!!! What does an infant need with $51,000 a month.

Really, it's not even so much about Nas and Kelis, but about the fact that the system is JACKED UP; they're just the latest example to prove this point. That's more money than the average American makes in a year! What does that baby need that warrants that amount of money??? The baby could have a comfortable lifestyle with a tenth of that. This is definitely one area in which I'm in favor of less government! For real! A man and a woman should be mature enough to resolve child care and provision without the court system. And, honestly, there are those who use to courts as a way of retribution (I'm gonna get him/her for leaving me by hitting him/her in the pockets - and, let's be real, it's usually a woman screwing over a man via the court system).

Plus, spousal support??? Doesn't Kelis have a career? Doesn't she have an album coming out soon (I don't know for sure - I don't really keep up with her life that)? What does she needs spousal support for? Personally, I have mixed feelings about spousal support/alimony. I am for it in situations where there are small children, and the ex-wife wants to stay at home with the children; even though, I'd personally cut out the alimony when all the children are school-aged. And, in situations where the wife didn't work, I'd be in favor of it for a season while she transitions into being on her own again and is able to become gainfully employed. Other than that - why should the ex-husband pay it?

Of course, I don't know the ins and outs of the situation between Nas and Kelis. I'm using their situation mostly to gripe about the principle of the matter (I'm wondering though, if the "cookies" were worth it though...).

After typing all of this, I realize why I was holding off on even blogging about it. It's the world, and the world is CRAZY!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Walking by faith

God likes to allow constant reminders that I need to embrace II Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight”.
Right now, if I were to believe in what I see at this moment, I’d be in panic mode. But my faith says “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). My faith says “Jehovah Jireh” (Genesis 22:14). My faith says, “God has an expected end for me” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Now, do I believe what God said, or do I believe what I’m seeing? Do I panic, like Peter did on the water in Matthew, or do I stay focused on God in the middle of the storm? Do I continue to put the word of God above feelings, words, or situations?
Well, I will declare this - ALL IS WELL; for I walk by faith, not by sight!